How Impressive is the reduction of Belize’s Public Debt?
By: NP Staff Writer
Belize City: Saturday: 18th February 2023
By: NP Staff Writer
Belize City: Saturday: 18th February 2023
By NP Staffwriter
Tuesday: February 8, 2023
The recent political convention in Belize, where John Saldivar was elected as the standard bearer for the Belmopan constituency, raises serious questions about the values and priorities of the United Democratic Party (UDP). Despite being named by the US State Department for his perceived involvement in corruption and money laundering, Saldivar managed to secure a significant number of votes and defeat his rivals. This result is a concerning indication of the UDP's disregard for integrity and accountability in politics.
The much-anticipated Amnesty Program will start in April. At a recent meeting held in San Pedro Town, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration Department, and the International Organization for Migrants met to roll-out an awareness campaign and to design structures that will serve as the required criteria to be implemented in the upcoming Amnesty.
After several major surgical repairs over the years to the 80-year-old Haulover eyesore that is still a risk-taking venture to cross from one side of the river to the other; works has started on what appear will be the foundation of the new “Haulover” replacement bridge.