The Time for Economic Independence is Now

The Time for Economic Independence is Now

Mon, 09/09/2024 - 12:13
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By: Omar Silva

Editor: National Perspective Bz DIGITAL 2024

Belize City: Monday 9th September 2024

As Belize approaches the 43rd anniversary of its political independence, the time has come for us to confront a harsh reality: while we may be politically sovereign, we remain economically dependent. This dependence, perpetuated by an outdated political system rooted in colonial-era practices, has hindered our progress and stifled our potential. It is time for Belize to break free from this stagnation and chart a bold new course towards true economic independence.

The economic transformation of our nation cannot be achieved by government alone. It requires the vision, courage, initiative, and effort of every Belizean. Our future depends on each of us taking an active role in shaping the economy we want to see. The foundation of a prosperous Belize lies not only in the hands of politicians but in the individual participation of the people. We must forge a stronger, more resilient social infrastructure—one that empowers every Belizean to contribute to and benefit from the nation’s growth.

But to achieve this, we must also hold those in power to account. For too long, our political system has been mired in a colonial mentality, where power is used to divide and conquer, rather than unite and uplift. The two major political parties—the People's United Party (PUP) and the United Democratic Party (UDP)—have operated under a copy-and-paste model of governance, where promises are made during election cycles only to be broken once in office. This outdated method has left us decades behind the modern, prosperous world.

Belize can no longer afford to tolerate a political system that prioritizes the interests of the few over the needs of the many. We must demand a transformation in how our nation is governed. This means rejecting the stagnant, colonial-era politicking that has kept us dependent and demanding a more proactive, forward-thinking approach to leadership. Our politicians must no longer be allowed to govern as they please once elected; they must be held accountable to the people and to the vision of a prosperous, independent Belize.

As we reflect on the 43 years since we gained political independence, we must also begin envisioning and working towards our economic independence. This is not a dream for the distant future—it is a necessity for the present. We must modernize our politics, empower our people, and build an economy that is strong, resilient, and self-reliant.

The time for transformational change is now. The time for Belize to realize its true potential is now. Economic independence is not just a goal—it is our destiny. It is time to seize it.